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Fully Factory assembled, wired and tested Indoor Units as per specifications and as required to make the system complete. Floor Mounted Double skin with fan section, fan motor, cooling coil with coil section, with face and by pass dampers complete with blower, blower section filter section with microvee filters & pre - filters complete with motor, drive package etc. The capacity of the AHU suitable for 125mm WG static pressure for OT's etc as required ( without Hepa filters as it will be installed at terminal in OT's) 3500 CFM/to suit at site. It must be compitable with the outdoor unit as mentioned in sr. no.1 ( Make:- ZECO/EDGTECH/WAVES/FLAKWOOD or equivalent as per following detailswAHU Casing - frame work Aluminium, Floor mounted, Panel construction Outer skin- minimum 0.8 precoated GI, Inner skin Minm 0.63 mm Plain GI, Panel Thickness 46 mm Insulation 40+/- 2KG/square meter 43 mm thick CFC free PUFF. All panels Sealed with framework by heavy duty O ring gasket. All panels detahable or hinged made of die cast alumimnium with stainless steel pivots.ъFan motor 440 v 3 phase, Minmum 5.5 Kw, explosion proof type with F class insulation and IP 55 protection Siemens / ABB/ Crompton of suitable RPM . Drive to fan provided through belt drive arrangement. Belts should be oil resistanta Supply air fan Centrifugal type confirming to AMCA 210 fan double width double inlet with forward inclined Aerofoilly designed and suitable for required operating pressure. Fan casing made of galvanised steel sheet. Fan shaft should be of grounded C 40 carbon steel. outlet velocity minimum 8.09 m/s Air Volume 3500 CFM unit, Make-Nicotra/DIDW ЉEvaporator coil - Direct Expension 8 row deep size 635 mm x 1170 mm ,having 12.5 to 15 mm dia. Copper Tubes minimum 24 SWG thickwith sine wave aluminium fins firmly bonded to copper tubesassembled in zinc coated steel frame. Face and area should ensure rated capacity from each unit and air velocity across the coil not exceeding 150 meters/ minute . Each coil tested at minm 21 kg/Square meter. fin spacing 4-5 fins/cmEEach filter unit should be factory assembled containing washable synthetic type air filter having anodised aluminium frame . Media supported with HDP mesh. Easily drawable and accessable . Filter banks face air velocity maximum 100 m / minute. Differential pressure switch must be fixed across the filer bank as part of AHU:SITC of expension valve and Casual dryer, etc as required@SITC outdoor MS stand for for condesning unit at etc as requiredRoom temperature meterREFRIGERANT PIPING˜Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Interconnecting refrigerant pipe of seamless DHP copper tubework with ( 19mm thick) closed cell elastomeric nitrile rubber tubular insulation between each set of indoor & outdoor units as per specifications, all piping inside the room shall be properly supported with hangers and all external piping with UV coating shall run in cable tray.319.05 mm with 13 mm thick nitrile rubber insulationb)328.58 mm with 19 mm thick nitrile rubber insulationc)241.2 mm with 19 mm thick nitrile rubber insulationTRANSMISSION & CONTROL WIRINGoProviding & fixing control cum transmission wiring in medium duty PVC Conduit between indoor and outdoor units.2C x 1.5 Sq mm Copper Cable`Supply and fixing of Perforated GI Tray with hangers & supports for copper piping (250 mm wide)^Supply , charging & Leakage testing of refrigerant -410A in additional copper piping circuit.kg DRAIN PIPINGЖProviding & fixing rigid PVC piping complete with fittings, supports as per specifications and pre insulated with 6mm thick closed cell elastomeric nitrile rubber tubular insulation.32mm dia Ducting workгSite fabricated rectunglar aluminium ducting free from costruction debris. All the curves and bends should ensure easyn flow and air tight by applying silicon sealent after fabrication. It should be complete with hangers, anchor fasterns, GI coated rods which will not be more than 2.5 meters apart . Jooinets should be lapped with Nitrite Rubber tape or better insulationl. Make Aluminium Ducting : Hindalco/Balco/ Nalco Thermal Insulation-Aflex/Kflex/Armcell@Duct of Aluminium Sheet,20 Gauge (0.81 mm thick) Brand- Hindalco Sq. meter0Duct of 22 Gauge (0.65 mm thick) Brand -HindalcoDSupply & installation of powder coated Aluminium grills and Diffuser With volume control damperWithout volume control damperЖSupply and fixing of Thermal insulation for duct with UV filmed chemically crossed linked closed cell Polyethylene XPS Fire retardent grade insulation for supply and return air duct 15 mm thick6Supply instalation testing & commissioning of iron sheet steel powder distribution panel board , fabricated with 16 SWG CRCA sutaible for drawable mounted switch gear including 300 Amps alluminium bus bar chamber ,insulator, volt meter, Ampre meter digital type meter ,indicator lamp(RYB) MCCB ,confirms to IS/IEC 60947-2 containing following Incomer and Outgoing MCCB cubicles a) Incomer 1 no. 4 pole MCCB 200-250 Amps with thermal magnetic release breaking capacity 50 KA suitable for Isolation ,(L Cat no.L & T DU -250 CM 98065OOPQ or equivalant) and b) Outgoing as per following (1) 3 Nos outgoing each having 4 pole 63-80 Amp MCCB (Cat no.L & T DU -100 H CM 9793300H or equivalant) (2) 3 Nos outgoing each having 4 pole 16-20 Amp L &T MCCB suitable for isolation ,(3) 3 Nos motor starting cubicle each consisting of 1 No. motor protection circuit breaker 20 Amp ( L & T cat ST41935OOOO) 3 pole contactor L&T ML-1.5 1 set start stop switch. Panel should be of size 2000x1980x350mm size along with digital ammeter and volmeter unit and CRCA painted by 7 process tank.Three Phase Dry type 100 kva 415 volt 3 phase Servo voltage Stabilizer having H class insulation. Input voltage range 300 v-460 volt, Out put- 400 volt+/_ 1 %, Salient FeaturesЗ High efficiency & Fast response.З Wide input voltage range trip conditions. 99.99% failure proof control circuit.З No over under, shoots and hunting.З Built in bypass switch upto 250 Kva. Less active component avoids failure ratings.З Special electronic circuit to operate on Generator sets. З No effect of power factor and frequency variationsЗ Voltage at speed related to rate of fluctuations and avoids oscillations & hunting In ac motor drive.З Variable speed high torque ac servo motor proportionally controls corrections. З Rugged and smooth ac motor drive control through optoisolator circuit which is Highly reliable. З Separate isolated PCB for triac switching for motor. Protection: Input and Output Low/high Voltage protection, Phase rotation/single phasi<мng preventer. Input protection using MCCB. Electronic overload protection.B)Other items required OT|Antibacterial Paint water based liquid plastic aseptic and self sterlizing wall coating toa d f. T of 300 micron with primerrPeripheral Light recess mounted IP 54 protocal , non hygroscopic having suitable LED to fit in the existing slootYHepa Filter dust spot efficincy 99.99 % 0.3 micron, made out of perforated SS 304 sheet ЃDiffuser Cloth a fine meshed fabric for laminar displacement flow. The element will be removable, and ca be easily replacable and disinfected as per required size1Doctor entry door sealing with Suitable gasket X-ray view box on/off PCB+Providing viberation isolation pad for AHUFCharge of making PCC foundation for AHU inclung all related matterials˜SITC of humidification packkage comprising of Pan type humidifier with humidification tank, heaters, inernal control wiring etc complete in all respect &Additional VAT On schedule items @ 3% Total schedule + non schedule Й eName of the work-Revamping of AHU and other work of Modular OT no 7 and 8 at IGIMS at IGIMS. Patna-14Time of completion in daysPLast day for submitting hard copy of Technical & Price bids in Director's officeEDate and place of opening the Technical Bid on www.eproc.bihar.gov.inADate and place of opening thePriice Bid on www.eproc.bihar.gov.in90 daysaLast day for submitting and uploading Tecnical and price bids on e portal www.eproc.bihar.gov.in27/06/2017 up to 16.30 hrs29/06/2017 at 15.30 hrs As per NIT28/06/2017 up to 15.30 hrsLaying and fixing of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed /XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size on wall surface as requiredƒI/we offer in Figures& & . in words& & & & & & & % (Percentage) High / Less/Estimated rate on schedule items which is as mentioned above. In figure In words)High/Low /as per estimated schedule itemsQuantity Quoted Rate Й Amount Й $ Total Amount ( Non Schedule items) Й # vBidders are requested to quote their minimum % rate above or below or at estimated rate for following Schedule items Labour cess @ 1 %  Total Amount Й  Description of the work8Complete comprehnsive maintenance of AHU of Modular O.T. Each AHU/yearЎName of the work- Anuual Comprhensive maintence of AHU of Modular OT no 7 and 8 at IGIMS. After expiry of warranty period of 12 months (valid for 3 consecutive years only) JBidders are requested to submit their minimum rates for the following workName and Address of the Bidder:<Price Bid shhet 2 (CMC) Of NIT -IGIMS/EW/E-Tender /119/20176Price Bid Sheet I Of NIT -IGIMS/EW/E-Tender /119/2017S Bidders should Quote their minimum item wise rate for following Non schedule items$Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of aircooled variable refrigerant volume modular type airconditioning out door unit system with R-410A refrigerant suitable for 415Б10%, 50 cycles as per detail given in specifications and having following items : Modular type outdoor units equipped with highly efficient all inverter type Hermetically Sealed scroll type compressors, low noise condenser fan housed in compact housing duly powder coated,Cooling Capacity 95500 Btu/h , Heating capacity 107000 Btu/h, Air flow 165 cubic meter /minSound level not more tha 57 dB(A), operaton range cooling -5 to 49 degree C DB, heating -20 to15.5 degree C WB. The cost includes all loading, unloading, transportation, constructon of foundation, power cabling/wiring etc as per requirement  PART-1PART-2 Quoted rate Й  Amount Й   Estmated cost Й   Earnest Money DeositЙ   Cost of B.O.Q.Й  џzN O бRMфS`C^ПЗ`3јbtЯeK—o!qrэ#JtЦ%Зv3(xŠ)ћyw+.~Њ/cc––Bх››ŒŒ ЉЭЩ Yy™BІвЏ  dќЉёвMbP?_*+‚€%,Сџ Page &P of &Nƒ„&ЌеjЕZ­ц?'ЌеjЕZ­ц?(ќ§~Ппяч?)ќ§~Ппяч?Mж Canon G2000 series Printer мј п š 4d§џA4ј BJDM мЯЯRt,T`Oфp,T`OфpRt,TTє`Oфp,TTє,TTє`OфpXX' d Rt Rt“@ [џџ џџRtчџ чшdCanon G2000 series Printer мј п š 4d§џA44sмЁ" d§џ …BЁP(д? …BЁP(д?œ&œ\(cнЙ›U} ’?} m(~} m?} ’?} $?} $ } $ ?Yw,@,,,,:@X@ ”@ •@ g@ , Ѓ@@р@f@g@Я@,eТ,ў@§@§@ @ @,,,в§ kОŽŽŽŽ§ ˜hО˜˜˜˜˜§ ™JО™™™™™§ ”oО””””@€ ŠVA§ ”pО””””@@юќ@§ ”qО””””@ˆУ@§ ”KО””””§ AO§ –PО––––§ BQ§ –LО––––§ BT§ —MО ––––§ BR§ –NО ––––§ @S§ œ^О ž§ C§ D§ D§ E§ E§ F G№?§ H§ I J^@ J„@! 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