Office Order No. / Date
IGIMS / 2025 / 78 / Acad. dt.08.01.2025 |
Office Order: Consequent upon the approval of the competent authority, Dr. Mukesh Kumar Zope, Associate Professor of Medical Physics, will be In-Charge of the Department of Medical Physics, SCI with immediate effect without any financial implication. |
IGIMS / 2025 / 53 / Adm. / Store / 04 dt.06.01.2025 |
Office Order: The Local Purchase Committee constituted vide office order no-53 / Adm / Store / 04, dt.06.01.2025 has been reconstituted with immediate. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 3245 / Adm. dt.26.12.2024 |
Office Order: Consequent upon the approval of the Board of Governors in it 106th meeting held on 28.08.2024 vide resolution no-106/1594, on recommendation of the Standing Selection Committee vide its meeting held on 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 21th, 22nd, 23rd September 2021, the various faculty members are hereby granted promotion with effect from to the post.
IGIMS / 2024 / 5052 / Adm. dt.12.12.2024 |
Office Order: The A.C.Ps (Assured Career Progression Scheme) MACP Committee (Modification Assured Career Progession Scheme) earlier constituted cide office order no-4070/Adm. dt.01.09.2023 is hereby reconstituted. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 5051 / Adm. dt.12.12.2024 |
Notice: List of holidays applicable for the year 2025. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 4812 / Adm. dt.29.11.2024
Office Order: Member nominated as member of Board of Governors form faculty quota for the period of two years form the date of issue to this order U / S 3 (9) (Amendment) Act 2007 (Bihar) Act 09,2008) as notified on 13.02.2008 in Bihar Gazatte.
IGIMS / Cardio / 283 / 2024 dt.18.11.2024 |
Office Order: Duty Schedule of the New OPD (Cardiology) Timing for the Faculties |
IGIMS / 2024 / 4104 / Adm. dt.04.10.2024 |
Office Order: In suppression of all previous orders in this regard non faculty requirement cell is constituted for assessing the vacancies look into the roster clearance, work on modalities of requirement and matter related to reemployment.
IGIMS / 2024 / 4103 / Adm. dt.04.10.2024 |
Office Order: In suppression of all previous orders in this regard faculty requirement cell is constituted to look into matter related to publication of advertisement, scrutiny & conduct of interview. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 3873 / Adm. dt.19.09.2024 |
Office Order: After approval of the competent authority, a committee is formed for the transfer of officers / employee working in the institute. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 3872 / Adm. dt.11.09.20 24 |
Office Order: After approval of the competent authority, a new pay fixation committee has been constituted by the institute. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 189 / DC dt.14.09.2024 |
Office Order: Dr. Niska Sinha, Assoc. Prof. Department of Psychiatry, IGIMS, Patna will act as Officer on Special Duty to Director, IGIMS, Patna. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 3634 / Adm. dt.30.08.2024 |
Office Order: After the approval of the competent authority, vide previously issued office order memorandum No-3399/Administration dt.12.08.2024, to submit the ACR, APAR of the previous year to the faculty members/officers/and other personal working in the institute. The period from 30.08.202 s extended to 10.09.2024. |
IGIMS / Q.A. / 63 / 2024 / 42 / Accom. Sec. dt.21.08.2024 |
Office Order: After approval of the competent authority, Sunita Kumari, SAA, Accounts is alloted residence New C Type with immediate effect. |
IGIMS / Q.A. / 11 / 2020 / 41 / Accom. Sec. dt.21.08.2024 |
Office Order: After approval of the competent authority, Asha Kumari, Nursing Officer, CTVS is alloted residence B Type-5/13 with immediate effect in the light of her request letter dt.23.07.2024. |
IGIMS / Q.A. / 43 / 2020 / 37 / Accom. Sec. dt.19.08.2024 |
Office Order: After approval of the competent authority, Gitanjali, Nursing Officer, CTVS OT is alloted residence New MNH-14 with immediate effect in the light of her request letter dt.14.12.2023 |
IGIMS / 2024 / 3429 / Adm. dt.14.08.2024 |
Office Order: Submission of Option Form for fixation of pay on promotion from the date of Next Increment (DNI) in the lower post or from the dtae of promotion. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 153 / DC dt.07.08.2024 |
OFFICE ORDER: For better administrative functioning and streamline the delivery of patient care following member are hereby designated as Head/In-Charge of their respective speciality department under PGIDER, IGIMS, Patna. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 140 / DC dt.20.07.2024 |
Office Order: For streamlining the administrative works in the Dean (Academic) section Miss Priya Kumari, Stenographer is immediately transfered from her existing place of posting to Dean (Academic) Cell. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 139 / DC dt.20.07.2024 |
Office Order: Prof. (Dr.) Rakhi Kusumesh, RIO as AMS, RIO and Dr. Priyankar Singh, Asst. Prof, PGIDER as DMS, PGIDER are assigned additional duty without any financial benefit. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 138 / DC dt.20.07.2024 |
Office Order: In suppression of previous orders the office executing the RBSK program is hereby reconstituted with the approval of competent authority. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 135 / DC dt.18.07.2024 |
Office Order: To Streamline the functioning of the Adminstration Section some changes are being made. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 1825 / Acad. dt.18.07.2024 |
OFFICE ORDER: Authorize Dean (Academics), IGIMS, Patna to handle and approve all further allotments of authorium Halls at IGIMS, Patna. |
IGIMS / 2024 / Q.A. / 63 / 24 / Accom. Sec dt.09.07.2024 |
Office Order: Employees are allotted the accommodation mentioned against their names with immediate effect in the light of their request letter. (ALLOCATION of NEW C TYPE) |
IGIMS / 2024 / Q.A. / 62 / 23 / Accom. Sec dt.09.07.2024 |
Office Order: Employees are allotted the accommodation mentioned against their names with immediate effect in the light of their request letter. (ALLOCATION of NEW B TYPE) |
IGIMS / 2024 / 1687 / Acad. dt.27.06.2024 |
Office Order: Prof. (Dr.) Gyan Bhaskar, Prof. RIO, IGIMS, Patna will be Memebr Secretary of the Grievance Cell. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 764 / Exams dt.26.06.2024 |
Office Order: Dr. Pradeep Jaiswal, Addl. Professor, Dept. of General Surgery, has been assigned the additional job of centre superintendent for the University Examination of Allied & Health Care Courses. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 1482/ MS Cell dt.11.06.2024 |
Office Order; Smt. Sujata Paschal, Senior Nursing Officer (In-Charge Red Zone), has been assigned the additional job of consevation and Biomedical Waste with immediate effect. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 179 / Med. Coll. dt.10.06.2024 |
Office Order: Library Committee constituted vide office order no-205/DC, dt.19.11.2022 has been reconstituted with immediate. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 178 / Med. Coll. dt.10.06.2024 |
Office Order: Prof. (Dr.) Prakash Kumar Dubey, Associate Dean (I) & HOD, Anaethesiology, IGIMS, Patna is hereby nominated as the Chairman of NAMS Cell in IGIMS, Patna. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 2350 / Adm. dt.22.05.2024 |
Office Order: consequent upon the approval of competent authority and as per office Mem. no-A-27012/01/2023-Pers. Policy (Allowance), Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 2292 / DC dt.21.05.2024 |
Office Order: Prof. (Dr.) Gyan Bhaskar, (Professor RIO, Incharge Guest House) is on summer vacation leave from 16.05.2024 to 14.06.2024, During his absence Prof. (Dr.) Jiut Ram Keshari, Professor, (Department of Biochemistry) will look after his assignment of In-Charge Guest House, IGIMS, Patna. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 92 / DC dt.09.05.2024 |
OFFICE ORDER: Prof.(Dr.) P.K. Dubey, Head of Anesthesiology and Associate Dean-I (Academic), is hereby appointed as the Administrative Head of all Skill Labs (Including ATLS, NELS, etc.) and other training programs operational within this institute. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 91 / DC dt.09.05.2024 |
Office Order: Prof. (Dr.) Ranjit Guha, Principal of the Medical College is hereby vested with the authority to serve as the Administrative In-Charge of Laboratory Services within this institute. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 1079 / MS dt.01.05.2024 |
OFFICE ORDER: Lecture Hall of old Administrative Block (Near MS Office) is hereby allotted to Department of Radiation Oncology, IGIMs, Patna to Organize Post Graduate Teaching Program on 11th May 2024. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 88 / DC dt.29.04.2024 |
OFFICE ORDER:Assess the manpower needs and distribution for the effective functioning of the hospital. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 82 / DC dt.12.04.2024 |
Office Order: Constitution of Advisory Committee for the Welfare and Progess of IGIMS, Patna |
IGIMS / 2024 / 895 / Acad. dt.09.04.2024 |
OFFICE ORDER: Prof. (Dr.) Prem Prakash, Professsor General Surgery is hereby redesignated as Professor & Head, Department of Emergency Medicine. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 894 / Acad. dt.09.04.2024 |
OFFICE ORDER: Decision of BOG in its meeting held on 28.08.2018 under resolution No.101/1523 and Standing Academic Committee meeting held on 26.11.2018 (resolution No-22/223) faculty members ae hereby re-designated to the Post of Associate Professor. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 1642 / Acad. dt.01.04.2024 |
OFFICE ORDER: Vaccination Centre of the Institute is hereby allotted for Ayushman Bharat Yojna (PMJAY). |
IGIMS / 2024 / 63 / DC dt.16.03.2024 |
OFFICE ORDER: "State Cancer Institute" Prof. (Dr.) Sangeeta Pankaj & Prof. & Head-Gyane. Oncology is hereby appointed to an additional role as the "Additional Medical Superintendent SCI". |
IGIMS / 2024 / 717 / Acad. dt.15.03.2024 |
OFFICE ORDER: For Promotion, under ASSESSMENT PERSONAL PROMOTION SCHEME:2024 up to 30.04.2024 up to 03.00 PM in the office of Dean.
IGIMS / 2024 / 51 / DC dt.12.03.2024 |
Office Order: A Partial Amendment in Office Order No-49/DC dt.29.02.2024, Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar, Head of the Dept. of Community Medicine, is hereby appointed to an additional role as the 'Faculty In-Charge-Account Section'. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 1313 / Adm. dt.11.03.2024 |
OFFICE ORDER: SOP for Meeting the requirement of Senior Resident / Junior Resident on Ad-hoc basis. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 1231 / Adm. dt.05.03.2024 |
OFFICE ORDER: In suppression of previous office order issued vide Memo No-IGIMS/2023/HPC/28 dt.18.11.2023, a new Hospital Pharmacy Committee is constituted. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 46 / DC dt.28.02.2024 |
Office Order: Prof. (Dr.) Avanish Kumar, Head of the Department of Anatomy, is hereby appointed to an additional role as the Faculty In-Charge: Medical College. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 262 / Dean (Exams) dt.13.02.2024 |
Office Order: Dr. Rakesh kumar, Additional Professor, Dept. of Microbiology has been assigned the additional job of Centre Superintendent for the B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Semester university Examination 2023. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 621 / Adm. dt.03.02.2024 |
Office Order; Prof. (Dr.) Prakash Kumar Dubey, HOD, Anesthesia Dept. is assigned additional charge of Associate Dean Academic with immediate effect for three years. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 623 / Adm. dt.03.02.2024 |
Office Order: Prof. (Dr.) Om Kumar, HOD, Nephrology Dept. is assigned additional Charge of Dean (Academic) with immediate effect for three years. |
IGIMS / 2024 / 622 / Adm. dt.03.02.2024 |
Office Order: Prof. (Dr.) Rajesh Kumar Tiwari, HOD, Urology Department is assigned additional Charge of Dean (Exams.). |
IGIMS / 2023 / 6026 / Adm. dt.23.12.2023 |
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of faculties (Department of Gynae Oncology - SCI) at the IGIMS, Patna. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 5809, 5810, 5811, 5812 / Adm. dt.12.12.2023 |
Provisional Seniority List of Professor cum Principal, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor / Lecturer and Tutor, NURSING COLLEGE.
IGIMS / 2023 / 5834 / Adm. dt.12.12.2023 |
OFFICE ORDER: Notification No.: 19300 dt.13.10.2023 of the General Administration Dept. Bihar, Patna, the following MLTs of Laboratory Cadre of IGIMS, Patna has been appointed as Technical Officer MLT.
IGIMS / 2023 / 5827, 5828, 5826, 5829 / Adm. dt.12.12.2023 |
OFFICE ORDER: Notification No.: 19300 dt.13.10.2023 of the General Administration Dept. Bihar, Patna, the Nursing Service of IGIMS, Patna has been appointed as Deputy Nursing Superintendent, Assistant Nursing Superintendent, Nursing Superintendent, Senior Nursing Officer.
IGIMS / 2023 / 5830, 5831, 5832, 5842, 5838, 5839, 5841, 5840, 5837, 5836, 5835, 5833 / Adm. dt.12.12.2023 |
OFFICE ORDER: Notification No.: 19300 dt.13.10.2023 of the General Administration Dept. Bihar, Patna, the following Cadre of IGIMS, Patna has been appointed as Store Officer, Assistant Store Officer, Junior Store Officer, Assistant Engineer (Civil), Dietician, Senior Photographer, Senior Physiotherapist, Physiotherapist, Senior Technical Officer (Ophthalmology), Technical Officer (Ophthalmology), Chief Technical Officer (Ophthalmology) and Technical Officer Radiotherapy.
IGIMS / 2023 / 464 / DCdt.16.11.2023 |
Office Order: Ragarding submission of Employee's Personal details for creation of IDs in Balmar & Lawrie website. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 5365 / Acad. dt.15.11.2023 |
Office Order: The Partial modification has been done in the Office Order No-6329 / Adm. dt.07.12.2023, S. No.16 Guru Nanak's Birthday (27.11.2023) may be read as Restricted Holidays and Sl. No-31 Chhath Puja 2nd day (Paran) (20.11.2023) may be read as Gazatted Holiday. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 5327 / Acad. dt.14.11.2023 |
Office Order: All Faculty Memebrs, Senior Residents & Junior Residents of IGIMS, Patna, wil mark their attendance at the time of arrival and departure with biometric. This biometric attendance will be linked with their salary account and accordingly salary wiil be released. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 1817 / Acad. dt.10.11.2023 |
Office Order: Modification are made in the Office Orders of IGIMS, Patna issued vide Memo No- 1193 / Acad. dt.25.06.2022 and Memo No-1000 / Acad. dt.15.07.2023. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 5187 / Adm. dt.07.11.2023
Office Order: All Professor / Addl. Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor / Senior Resident are directed to download the last year’s Annual Confidential Report / Annual performance from the institute website and submitted by 10.11.2023. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 483 / Med. Coll. dt. 02.11.2023 |
OFFICE ORDER: Coordinators for Post Graduate Refresher's course for both broad and super specialities. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 482 / Med. Coll. dt. 02.11.2023 |
OFFICE ORDER: Coordinators for Effective Mentorship Program for all Phase of MBBS Students. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 1267 / Dean dt. 26.10.2023 |
Dr. Deepali Prasad, Additional Professor, Department of Obst. & Gynae. has been assigned the additional job of Centre Superintendent for the B.Sc. Nursing 1st Semester University Examination 2023.
IGIMS / 2023 / 1266 / Dean dt. 26.10.2023 |
Dr. Sunita, Additional Professor, Department of Physiology has been assigned the additional job of Centre Superintendent for the B.Sc. Nursing 1st year University Examination 2023 (A) (Old Syllabus) & 3rd year University Examination 2022 (S).
IGIMS / 2023 / 1685 / Acad. dt. 18.10.2023 |
OFFICE ORDER: In supersession of all previous order it is hereby notified that no leave encashment for unavailed leave of Academic residents will be sanctioned. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 4819 / Adm. dt. 17.10.2023 |
Office Order: Dr. Manoj Kumar, Veterinary Officer, Central Animal House is nominated as Officer In-Charge of Central Animal House, IGIMS under HOD, Pharmacology Dept. (Faculty In-Charge, Central Animal House). |
IGIMS / 2023 / 4825 / Adm. dt. 17.10.2023 |
Provisional Seniority List of Nursing Officer |
IGIMS / 2023 / 191 dt. 12.10.2023
Office Order: Regarding Timely Payment of remuneration / TA / DA / for external participating in examination. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 4075 / Adm.
dt. 01.09.2023
Office Order: Mr. Shailendra Kumar Singh, Superintendent Engineer (Biomedical) is hereby assigned as Estate Officer of IGIMS, Patna. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 3878 / Adm.
dt. 22.08.2023
Office Order: Additional Charges of Deputy Medical Superintendent (DMS/AMS) of different Department/Section. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 3738 / Adm.
dt. 12.08.2023
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of faculties (Department of Anaesthesiology) at the IGIMS, Patna. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 3737 / Adm.
dt. 12.08.2023
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of faculty (Department of Physiology) at the IGIMS, Patna. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 3736 / Adm.
dt. 12.08.2023
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of faculty (Department of Paediatrics) at the IGIMS, Patna. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 3606 / DC / Adm.
dt. 05.08.2023
Office Order: Additional charge of Medical Coordinator Aayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna assigned to Prof. Om Kumar, Head-Nephrology, IGIMS, Patna.
IGIMS / 2023 / 791 / Store
dt. 25.07.2023
Office Order: As the Social Media Platforms (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.) have become the main channel for people to communicate access information and share content and to improve the NIRF ranking of the Institute. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 3416 / Adm.
dt. 25.07.2023
Office Order: A committee is hereby constituted to examine/review the matters related to non-receipt of any bid(s) for setting up Cafeteria at this Institute against the Tender Notice No: 03/2023-24/Cafeteria/IGIMS/Store. |
IGIMS / 2023 / 3237 / Adm.
dt. 11.07.2023
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of faculties at the IGIMS, Patna. |
IGIMS / 989 / Acad. / 2023 dt. 11.07.2023 |
Office Order: All the students of Paramedical Degree Coutses BPT, Post Basic B.Sc Nursing, B.Sc Nursing and GNM Trainig Students (2nd, 3rd, & 4th Year) are hereby informed to deposite the requisite fees till 30.07.2023 positively. |
IGIMS / 2643 / Admn.
dt. 06.06.2023 |
Office Order: Additional charge of Transport Cell assigned to Er. Shailendra Kumar Singh, Superintending Engineer, IGIMS, Patna.
IGIMS / 1980 / Admn.
dt. 21.04.2023 |
Office Order: Name of the authorized travel agents for the procurement of tickets in connection with Leave Travel Concession (LTC).
275 / RIO
dt. 12.04.2023
Joining on the position of Junior Research Fellow under Ad-hoc project "Effect of TUDCAon microglia in diabetic retinopathy rat retina".
IGIMS / 2023 / 16 / Research
dt. 25.03.2023
Submission of proposals for review by the Institute Research Committee.
IGIMS / 362 / Acad. / 2023
dt. 09.02.2023
Notice: Regarding application for IGIMS Excellenec Awards. |
IGIMS / 263 / Acad.
dt. 09.02.2023
Office Order: Submission of tution fee by the Student of DM / MCh Session 2020 (3rd Year)
IGIMS / 255 / DC
dt. 07.02.2023 |
Office Order: Releiving of Sri Randhir Kumar, Executive Engineer (Civil) to join their paraent department (M/s National Projects Construction Corporation Limited - Gurugram)
IGIMS / 256 / DC
dt. 07.02.2023 |
Office Order: Constitution of legal cell
IGIMS / 228 / Acad.
dt. 06.02.2023
Office Memorandum: Uplifting of academic activities of the Institute.
243 / DC
dt. 27.01.2023 |
Office Order: Additional charge of Dean (Sports and Extra Curricular Activities).
242 / DC
dt. 27.01.2023 |
Office Order: Additional charge of Dean (Examination)
241 / DC
dt. 27.01.2023
Office Order: Additional charge of Medical Superintendent - II & Additional Medical Superintendent - I.
IGIMS / 198 / Acad.
dt. 30.01.2023
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.12.2022 to 15.01.2023). |
IGIMS / SCI / GO / 10
dt. 25.01.2023
Office Order: Celebration of Cervical Cancer awareness month in the month of January & February organized by Gynecological Oncology, SCI, IGIMS - Patna.
IGIMS / 2023 / 87 / Adm.
dt. 09.01.2023
Office Order: Sanctioning power of Rs. 1, 00, 000/- to Dr. Ranjit Guha, Principal, Medical College.
IGIMS / 2023 / 19 / Adm.
dt. 03.01.2023
Office Order: Officuials authorized to give any statement to Print Media, Social Media, Eletrconic media etc.
IGIMS / 2022 / 6430 / Adm.
dt. 14.12.2022
Office Order: The period of contract may be extended up to one year from dt. 16.12.2022 w.e.f for the contractual post of Executive Engineer (Civil), IGIMS - Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 6417 / Adm.
dt. 13.12.2022
Office Order: Prescribed format regarding assessment of actual requirement of contract workers serving in various departments of IGIMS - Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 6409 / Adm.
dt. 12.12.2022
Office Order: The period of contract may be extended up to one year from dt. 14.12.2022 w.e.f for the contractual post of Chief Administrative Officer, IGIMS - Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 2232 / Acad.
dt. 14.12.2022
Office Order: Last date of submission of Thesis / Dissertation by student of Post Graduate / Post Doctoral Courses

IGIMS / 2022 / 6411 / Adm.
dt. 13.12.2022
Office Order: Movement channel for files of Accounts Section and Administration section

IGIMS / 2022 / 6376 / Adm.
dt. 09.12.2022
Office Order: Formation of Vigilance Committee
IGIMS / 2022 / 6262 / Adm.
dt. 02.12.2022
Office Order: All Faculties, SR, JR, Intern, Regular Paramedical / Nursing Staff / Employee of IGIMS, Patna has to register themselves on (for AEBAS Biometric Attendance) by 5th December 2022.

IGIMS / 2022 / 6050 / Adm.
dt. 21.11.2022
Office Order: Formation of Committee Constituted to resolve the issues of Fellowship in Critical Care Courses.

IGIMS / 2022 / 184 / DC.
dt. 02.11.2022 |
Office Order: Formation of IT Committee.

IGIMS / 2022 / 185 / DC.
dt. 02.11.2022 |
Office Order: Formation of Purchase Committee.

IGIMS / 2022 / 186 / DC.
dt. 02.11.2022 |
Office Order: Formation of Committee Constituted to take decisions about extension & renewal of contract of superannuating employee and contract services.

IGIMS / 2022 / 6083 / Adm.
dt. 23.11.2022
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated to Dr. Jiut Ram keshari, Addl. Professor - Biochemistry to act as Nodal Officer of Ayushman Bharat and Dr. Binay Kumar Pandey - Superintendent Physiotherapist will act as Assistant Nodal Officer of Ayushman Bharat.

IGIMS / 2022 / 6051 / Adm.
dt. 21.11.2022
Office Order: All the faculty members are hereby requested to have their official email ID for official work.

IGIMS / 2022 / 6006 / Adm.
dt. 17.11.2022
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated to Dr. Manish Kumar, Addl. Professor - Physiology to act as AMS-II at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 435 / Med Coll.
dt. 18.11.2022
Office Order: Regarding any kind of problem, complaint and their solution, students may contact the concerned officer.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1076 / Exams.
dt. 18.11.2022
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated to Dr. Manish Kumar, Addl. Professor - Pharmacology to act as Centre Superintendent for B. Sc. Nursing 4th Year University Examination 2021 (A).

IGIMS / 2022 / 430 / Med Coll.
dt. 16.11.2022
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated to Dr. Prem Prakash, Addl. Professor - General Surgery to act as Nodal officer, AEBAS, CCTV and HMIS at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1404 / Adm.
dt. 11.11.2022
Notice: Regarding submission of proposals for procurement of items / equipment / services / rate contracts in the prescribed format of SoC positively by 15.11.2022.

IGIMS / 2022 / 2008 / Acad.
dt. 12.11.2022
Notice: Regarding cancellation of certificate bearing S. No.- 21/B.SC.Opth./Tech./16 issued for Degree of Bachelor of Sciences, Ophthalmic Techniques, by I.G.I.M.S., Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1920 / Acad.
dt. 29.10.2022
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.09.2022 to 15.10.2022).

IGIMS / 2022 / 5769 / Adm.
dt. 04.11.2022
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated to act as Officer I/C Transport.

IGIMS / 2022 / 187 / DC.
dt. 02.11.2022 |
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated to act as Liason Officer in matter of roaster clearance , IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 183 / DC.
dt. 02.11.2022 |
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated to act as Faculty Incharge Finance wing, IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 182 / DC.
dt. 02.11.2022 |
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated to act as Faculty Incharge Construction and Building, IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 181 / DC.
dt. 02.11.2022 |
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated to act as Deputy Director (Administration), IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1918 / Acad.
dt. 28.10.2022
Office Order: Regarding Rules and Regulations adopted with regards to grant of vacation to the faculty member of IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 5445 / Adm.
dt. 19.10.2022
Office Order: Regarding Uniform Allowance provided to Prosthetic and Orthotic Technician at the Institute.

IGIMS / 2022 / 5475 / Adm.
dt. 19.10.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of faculties at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 5338 / Adm.
dt. 10.10.2022
Office Order: Regarding submission of "No Dues Certificate" by all Junior Residents who are working on extension period and are relieved on 10.10.2022.

IGIMS / 2022 / 5158 / Adm.
dt. 01.10.2022
Office Order: Regarding the payment of Sixth Pay due from 01.01.2006 to 31.03.2007 for Nursing Officer Grade - I and Nursing Officer Grade - II.

IGIMS / 2022 / 163 / DC.
dt. 01.10.2022
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated for Officer on Special Duty (O.S.D.) to Hon'ble Chairman BOG, IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1676 / Acad.
dt. 22.09.2022
Regarding request to provide the details of all willing Professors and Associate Professors to work as an expert at NMC.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1484 / Acad.
dt. 24.08.2022
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.07.2022 to 15.08.2022).

IGIMS / 2022 / 311 / Med Coll.
dt. 11.08.2022
Office Order: Regarding implementation of NIC Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1388 / Acad.
dt. 29.07.2022
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.06.2022 to 15.07.2022).

IGIMS / 2022 / 1211 (A) / Acad.
dt. 30.06.2022
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.05.2022 to 15.06.2022).

IGIMS / 2022 / 1236 / Acad.
dt. 05.07.2022
Office Order: All Common Academic Programme will be suspended from 04.07.2022 to 31.08.2022 due to Summer Vacation - 2022.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1128 / Acad.
dt. 14.06.2022
Office Order: The Procedure with respet to submission of aproval Ph.D thesis at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1000 / Acad.
dt. 27.05.2022
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.04.2022 to 15.05.2022).

IGIMS / 2022 / 2657 / Adm.
dt. 23.05.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of the Executive Engineer (Electrical) at IGIMS, Ptana.

IGIMS / 2022 / 2566 / Adm.
dt. 18.05.2022
Office Order: Regarding submission of Annual Confidential Report / Annual Performance Appraisal Report within a week.

IGIMS / 2022 / 2547 / Adm.
dt. 17.05.2022 |
Office Order: It is directed that it's mandatory for all the employees of the institute to wear the uniform.

IGIMS / 2022 / 948 / Acad.
dt. 14.05.2022
Regarding awareness program for Dengue Prevention on the occation of National Dengue Day to be held on 17.05.2022.

IGIMS / 2022 / 864 / Acad.
dt. 04.05.2022
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.03.2022 to 15.04.2022).

IGIMS / 2022 / 2061 / Adm.
dt. 19.04.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of the Radiological Safety officer (Medical Phsysicst) at IGIMS, Ptana.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1887 / Adm.
dt. 07.04.2022
Office Order: Regarding submission of Annual Confidential Report / Annual Performance Appraisal Report within a week.

SCI / IGIMS / APHA / 42 / 2022
dt. 05.04.2022
Notice: The Schedule of OPD for the Dept. of Psychiatry, PMR, Nuclear Medicine and Pain & Palliative Care every saturday.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1546 / Adm.
dt. 23.03.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1243 / Adm.
dt. 08.03.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1125 / Adm.
dt. 02.03.2022
Office Order : Regarding the learning resource allowance (LRA) admissible to the tutor of Nursing College, IGIMS, patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 1159 / Adm.
dt. 04.03.2022
Office Order : Regarding revised deputation period of Acounts Officer.

IGIMS / 2022 / 296 / Acad.
dt. 01.03.2022
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.01.2022 to 15.02.2022).

IGIMS / 2022 / 260 / Acad.
dt. 23.02.2022
Office Order : Regarding the schedule of inspection from National Medical Commission for renewal of recognition inspection MBBS Course at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 966 / Adm.
dt. 22.02.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of Assistant Professor Non-Medical Physics at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 211 / Acad.
dt. 18.02.2022
Office Order : Regarding payment of tution fee of the whole course wih penalty amount in case of leaving the course after last date of vacancy list for final round counseling in PG courses.

IGIMS / 2022 / 873 / Adm.
dt. 16.02.2022
Office Order : Regarding Submission of Complaint Letter by Officers / Staff of IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 771 / Adm.
dt. 11.02.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of faculties at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 770 / Adm.
dt. 11.02.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of faculties at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 178/ Acad.
dt. 10.02.2022
Office Order : Regarding relieving of Post Graduate students of previous batches who were on extended service when the new PG students join.

IGIMS / 2022 / 618/ Adm.
dt. 02.02.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 585/ Adm.
IGIMS / 2022 / 586/ Adm.
dt. 31.01.2022 |
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of faculties at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 484 / Adm.
dt. 27.01.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 465 / Adm.
dt. 25.01.2022
Office Order : Regarding Transfer / Promotion of Hospital Worker to the post of Nursing & Para Medical staff w.i.e. from 19.01.2022.

IGIMS / 2022 / 464 / Adm.
dt. 25.01.2022
Office Order : Regarding Transfer / Promotion of Operation theater Assistant to the post of technician (CSSD) w.i.e. from 19.01.2022.

IGIMS / 2022 / 463 / Adm.
dt. 25.01.2022
Corrigendum: Omission in previous Order No. 57 Adm dt. 05.01.2022 regarding Transfer / Promotion of Hospital Worker to the post of O.T. Assistant.

IGIMS / 2022 / 90/ Acad.
dt. 20.01.2022
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.12.2021 to 15.01.2022).

IGIMS / 2022 / 360 / Adm.
dt. 20.01.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

Syllabus of MS – Orthopaedics (3 Years Post Graduate Degree Course) at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 296 / Adm.
dt. 17.01.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 250 / Adm.
dt. 14.01.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 249 / Adm.
dt. 14.01.2022
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 53 / Adm.
dt. 14.01.2022
Memorandum: Regarding establishment of Developed COVID Skill Lab in IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2022 / 57 / Adm.
dt. 05.01.2022
Office Order : Regarding Transfer / Promotion of Hospital Worker to the post of O.T. Assistant from dt. 20.11.2021.

IGIMS / 2021 / 7693 / Adm.
dt. 30.12.2021
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 7528 / Adm.
dt. 23.12.2021
List of (Gazetted & RH) Leaves which shall be given in the Year 2022 in IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 1724 / Acad.
dt. 21.12.2021
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.11.2021 to 15.12.2021).

IGIMS / 2021 / 7153 / Adm.
dt. 09.12.2021
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 1541 / Acad.
dt. 24.11.2021
Office Order: Regarding tution fee of MD/MS courses with effect from 2021-2022 admission batch.

IGIMS / 2021 / 1499 / Acad.
dt. 18.11.2021
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.10.2021 to 15.11.2021).

IGIMS / 2021 / 6500 / Adm.
dt. 06.11.2021
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of faculties at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 6491 / Adm.
dt. 05.11.2021
Office Order: BOG vide resolution Nno. 97/1471/(A), Executive Council (33/249) & Standing Academic Committee (19/179), regarding Department of Physiotherapy, IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 1470 / Acad.
dt. 05.11.2021
Corrigendum: Partial modification has been done in the Advt. No. 02/Acad./2021 vide memo no. IGIMS/Acad./1370/2021 dt. 21.10.2021.

IGIMS / 2021 / 6450 / Adm.
dt. 02.11.2021
Office Order: Regarding Extension of Services of all MD/MS PG students who passed final University Examination 2021.

IGIMS / 2021 / 6331 / Adm.
dt. 28.10.2021
Office Order: Regarding Schedule & venue of In-house-Training at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 6285 / Adm.
dt. 28.10.2021
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 6284 / Adm.
dt. 28.10.2021
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 6203 / Adm.
dt. 25.10.2021
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 154 / GS.
dt. 22.10.2021
Office Order: The schedule Speciality Clinic of dept. of General Surgery w.e.f. from 25.10.2021.

IGIMS / 2021 / 153 / GS.
dt. 22.10.2021
Office Order: The schedule and unit distribution of dept. of General Surgery w.e.f. from 25.10.2021.

IGIMS / 2021 / 1388 / Acad.
dt. 22.10.2021
Office Order: Invitation to attend the guest lecture on "Evidence based Medicine" held on 27.10.2021 at 3:30 PM at Old Seminar Hall (Near M. S. Ofice) , IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 1372 / Acad.
dt. 21.10.2021
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated for Authorized User of EMSW (ECFMG Medical School Web Portal) of this Institute.

IGIMS / 2021 / 1371 / Acad.
dt. 21.10.2021
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated for EMSW Co-ordinator (ECFMG Medical School Web Portal) of this Institute.

IGIMS / 2021 / 6148 / Adm.
dt. 21.10.2021
Office Order: Regarding Schedule & venue of In-house-Training at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 5925 / Adm.
dt. 06.10.2021
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of employees at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 55704 / Adm.
dt. 28.09.2021
Office Order: All Junior Resident (Non-Academic) working in extension period are relieved from 30.09.2021.

IGIMS / 2021 / 1036 / Acad.
dt. 23.09.2021
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.08.2021 to 15.09.2021).

IGIMS / 2021 / 5593/ Adm.
dt. 23.09.2021
Office Memorendum: Confirmation of faculties at the IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 5557 / Adm.
dt. 21.09.2021
Office Order: Regarding Schedule & venue of In-house-Training at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 995 / Acad.
dt. 16.09.2021
Office Order: Regarding Extension of Services of all DM/ M.Ch Students who passed final University Examination 2021.

IGIMS / 2021 / 5443 / Adm.
dt. 15.09.2021
Office Order: Regarding Schedule & venue of In-house-Training at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 5378 / Adm.
dt. 09.09.2021
Office Order: Regarding Schedule & venue of In-house-Training at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 5156 / Adm.
dt. 03.09.2021 |
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charges Delegated for In-House-Training at I.G.I.M.S., Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 5198 / Adm.
dt. 04.09.2021 |
Office Order: Regarding Penalty of withholding two increments of Sri Sandeep Kumar Singh, Tutor, Nursing College with cumulative effect is imposed and communicated.

IGIMS / 2021 / 782 / Acad.
dt. 30.08.2021
Office Order: Implimentation of the publications requirement for the faculties if IGIMS, Patna as per NMC guidelines.

IGIMS / SCI / HA / 270 / 2021
dt. 26.08.2021
Office Order: The working arrangement / OPD Schedule for SCI from 10.08/2021 onwards.

IGIMS / 2021 / 5002 / Adm.
dt. 25.08.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4910 / Adm.
dt. 19.08.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4857/ Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4860 / Adm.
dt. 17.08.2021 |
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4754 / Adm.
dt. 09.08.2021
Office Order: Regarding decision taken in the meeting of Committee constituted by vide office order: 145 / DC dt. 05.08.2021 held on 07.08.2021 in the Director's Board Room.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4753 / Adm.
dt. 09.08.2021
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charge Delegated for In-House-Training at I.G.I.M.S, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4703/ Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4706 / Adm.
dt. 06.08.2021 |
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4675/ Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4679 / Adm.
dt. 05.08.2021 |
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4529/ Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4531 / Adm.
dt. 02.08.2021 |
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4503/ Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4504 / Adm.
dt. 30.07.2021 |
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the employees at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4493 / Adm.
dt. 30.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4477/ Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4478 / Adm.
dt. 29.07.2021 |
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4468 / Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4469 / Adm.
dt. 29.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4430 / Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4431 / Adm.
dt. 28.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4374 / Adm.
dt. 26.07.2021
Office Order: Regarding penalty of withholding two increments of Sri Sandeep Kumar Singh, Tutor, Nursing college with cumulative effect is imposed and communicated.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4380 / Adm.
dt. 26.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4351 / Adm.
dt. 24.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4344 / Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4346 / Adm.
dt. 23.07.2021 |
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties / employees at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4314 / Adm.
dt. 22.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the Junior Engineer Civil/Electrical/Mechanical employees at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4312 / Adm.
dt. 20.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4308/ Adm.
dt. 20.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the employees at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4306/ Adm.
dt. 20.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4254 / Adm.
dt. 17.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4214 / Adm.
dt. 16.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the faculties at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4214 / Adm.
dt. 15.07.2021
Office Order: Regarding submission of Annual Confidential Report / Annual Performance Appraisal Report within three Days.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4215 / Adm.
dt. 15.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the employees at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4176 / Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4178 / Adm.
dt. 14.07.2021 |
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the employees at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4135 / Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4137 / Adm.
dt. 13.07.2021 |
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the employees at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4097 / Adm.
dt. 10.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the employees at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4057 / Adm.
dt. 09.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the employees at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4028 / Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4033 / Adm.
dt. 08.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the employees at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 4018 / Adm.
IGIMS / 2021 / 4019 / Adm.
dt. 08.07.2021
Office Memorandum: Confirmation of the employees at IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 560/ Acad.
dt. 01.07.2021
Office Order: Regarding extension in the duration of DrNB training till 15.08.2021 for DrNB Super Speciality Trainees of 2018 admission.

IGIMS / 2021 / 549/ Acad.
dt. 28.06.2021
Office Order: Regarding Assessment Promotion Scheme - 2021 for the Faculty members of IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2021 / 3641 / Adm.
dt. 18.06.2021
Office Order: Regarding submission of Annual Confidential Report / Annual Performance Appraisal Report within one week.

IGIMS / 2021 / 515 / Acad.
dt. 11.06.2021
Office Order: Regarding accommodation charges, HRA, etc. provided to the DM / M.Ch trainee of the Institute.

IGIMS / 2021 / 516 / Acad.
dt. 11.06.2021
Office Order: Regarding approval of Fellowship for Uro-Oncology, Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgery & Renal Transplant Surgery in The Department of Urology.

IGIMS / 2021 / 519 / Acad.
dt. 11.06.2021
Office Order: Regarding Proposal of Faculty Promotion in 105th BOG meeting.

IGIMS / 2021 / 520 / Acad.
dt. 11.06.2021
Office Order: Regarding Hematology unit under The Department of Pathology in 105th BOG meeting.

IGIMS / 2021 / 521 / Acad.
dt. 11.06.2021
Office Order: Regarding approval of creation of 08 seats for Fellowship of Emergency Critical in the Department of Trauma & Emergency.

IGIMS / 2021 / 522 / Acad.
dt. 11.06.2021
Office Order: Regarding approval of creation of 04 seats for Fellowship in the Department of Orthopaedic.

IGIMS / 2021 / 512 / Acad.
dt. 11.06.2021
Office Order: Regarding approval to the Regulations, Academic Syllabus, etc. for the Bachelor of Radiography course in the Department of Radiography.

IGIMS / 2021 / 513 / Acad.
dt. 11.06.2021
Office Order: Regarding approval of Fellowship Programs in Neuro Trauma, Spinal Surgery under ageis of Neuro-Surgery & Neuro-Oncology.

IGIMS / 2021 / 492 / Acad.
dt. 31.05.2021
Office Order: In View of COVID-19 Pandemic, the Summer Vacation of the year 2021 is cancelled in public interest.

IGIMS / 2021 / 491 / Acad.
dt. 29.05.2021

IGIMS / 2021 / 404 / CoN.
dt. 07.05.2021 |
Notice: Regarding Management of COVID Patient Care at the Institute from 07.05.2021 onwards till further order.

IGIMS / 2021 / 426 / Acad.
dt. 21.04.2021
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.03.2021 to 15.04.2021)

IGIMS / 2021 / 2414 / Adm.
dt. 21.04.2021 |
Office Order: Regarding Additional Charge Delegated for the post of Principal Investigatorof HBCR, PBCR and Incidental Gall Bladder and Other Pre-Malignant Gall Bladder (Funded by ICMR, New Delhi).

IGIMS / 2021 / 68 / DC
dt. 15.04.2021
Office Order: List of Faculties who have been assigned the additional charges with immediate effect without any financial benefit.

IGIMS / 2021 / 66 / DC
dt. 13.04.2021 |
Office Order: Regarding assignment of additional charges of Nodal Officer for Covid-19 management & Coordinators for Covid-19 management with immediate effect.

IGIMS / 2021 / 372 / Acad.
dt. 03.04.2021
Office Order: Regarding amendments in the previously issued order:- IGIMS / 2021 / 357 / Acad dt. 26.03.2021, withhold from all kind of official leaves is removed.

IGIMS / 2021 / 357 / Acad.
dt. 26.03.2021
Office Order: Regarding Special surveillance and monitoring due to 2nd Phase of Covid-19, all kind of official leaves will be cancelled till 05.04.2021.

IGIMS / 2021 / 1767 / Acad.
dt. 19.03.2021
Office Order: Regarding List of Members authorized to act as Auction Committee and take action for disposal of goods through various modes of disposal under Bihar Financial Rules.

IGIMS / 2021 / 321 / Acad.
dt. 20.03.2021
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.02.2021 to 15.03.2021)

IGIMS / 2021 / 224 / Acad.
dt. 19.02.2021
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.01.2021 to 15.02.2021)

IGIMS / 2021 / 82 / Acad.
dt. 21.01.2021
Notification regarding Board of Governors in Super Session of Medical Council of India" stating addition made in IMC Regulations, 2002.

IGIMS / 2021 / 67 / Acad.
dt. 18.01.2021 |
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.12.2020 to 15.01.2021)

IGIMS / 2021 / 01 / DC
dt. 01.01.2021
Office Order: Regarding Units Assigned to Dr. Namrata Kumari, Prof. & HOD Dept. of Microbiology and Dr. Shailesh Kumar, Prof. Microbiology.

IGIMS / 2020 / 5722 / Adm.
dt. 31.12.2020
Office Order: Dr. S. K. Shahi, Ex. Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, IGIMS, Patna is appointed as Visiting Professor in the Dept. of Microbiology and will look the work of COVID-19, IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2020 / 338 / ENT.
dt. 30.12.2020 |
Office Order: The working arrangement of the Department of ENT IGIMS, Patna from 01/01/2021 onwards.

IGIMS / 2020 / 5629 / Adm.
dt. 26.12.2020
Office Order: Regarding works delegation for Nodal Officer- Model Treatment Center & Nodal Officer- State Lab on National Viral Hepatitis Control Program.

IGIMS / 2020 / 1449 / Acad.
dt. 21.12.2020
In View of ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, Winter Vacation-2020 is hereby Cancelled.

17 / DC/ INT
dt. 14.12.2020
Office Order: Regarding works delegated to Prof. Ranjit Guha, Deputy Director (Administration), IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2020 / 319 / ENT.
dt. 15.12.2020
Office Order: The working arrangement of Department of ENT IGIMS, Patna from 15/12/2020 onwards.

IGIMS / 2020 / 465 / Med. Coll.
dt. 12.12.2020 |
Office Order: All regular employees of IGIMS, Patna are requested to include the name of their benificiaries as mentioned in their respective EHS Card for COVID Vaccination purpose.

IGIMS / 2020 / 5310 / Adm.
dt. 11.12.2020
Office Order: Regarding changes made in M.S. Cell for better Pattient Care and Hospital Management.

IGIMS / 2020 / 5265 / Adm.
dt. 09.12.2020
Office Order: Details regarding assigned aditional charge of "Incharge Guest house, IGIMS" as per decision of the core committee in the meeting held on 01/10/2020.

IGIMS / 2020 / 457 / Med. Coll.
dt. 08.12.2020
Office Order: The details of all categories of officers and staffs including outsoursing staff are to be submitted for COVID Vaccination purpose within two days of the issue of this order.

IGIMS / 2020 / 4699 / Adm.
dt. 10.11.2020
Office Order: The incentive allowance scheme for Shorthand and Typing in Hindi in addition to English by the staffs at I.G.I.M.S.

IGIMS / 2020 / 1336 / Acad.
dt. 09.11.2020
Office Order: The Common Academic Programme will be conducted in Auditorium, IGIMS with physical presence from 03:30 PM onwards on Tuesday & Friday with immediate effect.

IGIMS / 2020 / 4638 / Adm.
dt. 05.11.2020
Office Order: List of Employees of the Institute who are transferred and are hereby directed to take over / hand over charge within three days of issue of this order.

IGIMS / 2020 / 4454 / Adm.
dt. 22.10.2020
Office Order: Regarding Grant of Advance Special Festival package to Government Servants and Special cash Package equivalent in lieu of Travel concession Fare.

IGIMS / 2020 / 1245 / Acad.
dt. 16.10.2020
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM/ M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the institute. (Period: 16.09.2020 to 15.10.2020)

IGIMS / 2020 / 1133 / Acad.
dt. 06.10.2020
Office Order: The Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) course of 4 1/2 years duration including six months of compulsory rotatory internship course has been started from academic year 2019 in the Department of Physiotherapy.

IGIMS / 2020 / 1025 / Acad.
dt. 17.09.2020
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents/ DM / M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the Institute. (Period: 16.08.2020 to 15.09.2020)

IGIMS / 2020 / 950 / Acad.
dt. 11.09.2020
Office Order: As per direction of Hon'ble Chairman BOG-cum-Health Minister, Govt. og Bihar to the Director, IGIMS, Patna, The proposed interview for ASSESSMENT PROMOTION SCHEME-2020 is hereby postponed till further order.

IGIMS / 2020 / 754 / Acad.
dt. 17.08.2020
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents/ DM / M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the Institute. (Period: 16.07.2020 to 15.08.2020)

IGIMS / 2020 / 662 / Acad.
dt. 16.07.2020
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents/ DM / M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the Institute. (Period: 16.06.2020 to 15.07.2020)

IGIMS / 2020 / 130 / DC.
dt. 08.08.2020
Office Order: Dr. S.K. Shahi, Prof.(Consultant) Microbiology and Nodal Officer Covid-19 will look after MRU, Molecular Genetics lab & blood Bank and transfusion Medicine over all In-Charge with immidiate effect.

IGIMS / 2020 / 722/ Acad.
dt. 07.08.2020 |
Notification: Integration of Certificate Course in Community Health (CCH) in Basic B.Sc. Nursing and Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Curriculum.

IGIMS / 2020 / 84/ Ortho.
dt. 30.05.2020 |
Office Order: Department of Orthopaedics has started Telemedicine OPD services from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM on all working days.

IGIMS / 2020 / 1453 / MS.
dt. 10.07.2020
Office Order: Regarding Admission of COVID-19 Positive EHS card holders and employees ( with assured health care by IGIMS) at IGIMS.

IGIMS / 2020 / 635 / Acad.
dt. 08.07.2020 |
Notice: Academic Session 2020-21 of various P.G. Courses has commenced from 01.07.20. Admissions open till 31.07.20.

IGIMS / 2020 / 608 / Acad.
dt. 30.06.2020
Memorendum: Instructions to the Faculty Members regarding Assessment Promotion Scheme.

IGIMS / 2020 / 538 / Acad.
dt. 15.06.2020
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents/ DM / M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the Institute. (Period: 16.05.2020 to 15.06.2020)

IGIMS / 2020 / 521 / Exams.
dt. 13.06.2020 |
Office Order: In view of COVID-19, the services of Junior Residents against PG course (MD/MS), Session 2017-20 is hereby extended till the fresh batch (2020-23).

IGIMS / 2020 / 105 / Dent.
dt. 01.06.2020
Regarding Telemedicine Facilities of Department of Dentistry, IGIMS, Patna.

IGIMS / 2020 / 366 / Exams.
dt. 01.06.2020 |
Office Orded: In view of COVID-19, the services of Junior Residents against PG course (MD/MS), Session 2017-20 is hereby extended till the fresh batch (2020-23).

IGIMS / 2020 / 24 / Research.
dt. 27.05.2020 |
Office Orded: Modification of Dean Research Committee.

IGIMS / 2020 / 443 / Acad.
dt. 26.05.2020 |
Office Orded: Ammended Common Academic Programme-2020.

IGIMS / 2020 / 440 / Acad.
dt. 22.05.2020
All the HOD's are requested to submit the academic activies done by the departments from the starting of lockdown within 7days.

IGIMS / 2020 / 438 / Acad.
dt. 18.05.2020 |
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents/ DM / M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the Institute. (Period: 16.04.2020 to 16.05.2020)

IGIMS / 2020 / 420 / Acad.
dt. 04.05.2020 |
Office Order: In public interest, considering ongoing COVID-19 pandamic, Summer Vacation-2020 is being cancelled.

IGIMS / 2020 / 2017 / Adm / BME / 691.
dt. 06.05.2020
Office Order: Core Committee earlier notified vide office order no. 1116/ Adm. dt 01.04.2015 is being re-constituted with addition of some members.
IGIMS / 2020 / 1937 / Adm.
dt. 27.04.2020
Office Order: Work distribution to Senior Administrative Officer.
IGIMS / 2020 / 397 / Acad.
dt. 17.04.2020
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents/ DM / M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the Institute. (Period: 16.03.2020 to 16.04.2020)
IGIMS / 2020 / 394 / Acad.
dt. 17.04.2020
Schedule for "Summer Vacation 2020" which will be allowed in four phases.
IGIMS / 2020 / 633 / M.S.
dt. 22.03.2020
In view of the corona virus, the outpatient department (OPD) of IGIMS, Patna will remain closed for new patients from 23.03.2020 to prevent infection from this disease in individuals.
IGIMS/ 2020 / 361 / Acad.
dt. 17.03.2020
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Residents/ DM / M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the Institute. (Period: 21.02.2020 to 15.03.2020) |
IGIMS / 2020 / 225 / Accad.
dt. 19.02.2020 |
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Resident / DM / M. Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the Institute. (Period: 21.01.2020 to 20.02.2020) |
IGIMS / 2020 / 91 / Acct.
dt. 20.01.2020
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Resident / DM / M. Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the Institute. (Period: 21.12.2019 to 20.01.2020) |
IGIMS / 2020 / 52 / Acct.
dt. 13.01.2020 |
List of Holidays applicable for students of B. Sc. Nusring, Post Basic B. Sc. Nursing, GNM, Paramedical Degree & Diploma and BPT in 2020. |
IGIMS / 2019 / 6232 / Acct.
dt. 27.12.2019 |
Account Number for the submission of scholerships for student of IGIMS - Patna. |
IGIMS / 2019 / 6231 / Acct.
dt. 27.12.2019
Account Number for the submission of scholerships for student of IGIMS - Patna.
IGIMS / 2019 / 1835 / Acad.
dt. 20.12.2019
Regarding Log Book of Sr. Resident / DM / M. Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the Institute. |
IGIMS / 2019 / 1794 / Acad.
dt. 12.12.2019
Office Order: Formation of Medical Post Graduate Committee. |
IGIMS / 2019 / 1745 / Acad.
dt. 03.12.2019
Office Order: Submission of Thesis / Dissertation by student of Post Graduate / Post - Doctoral Course. |
IGIMS / 2019 / 1711 / Acad.
dt. 25.11.2019
Regarding: Log Book of Sr. Residents / DM / M.Ch / MD / MS and DNB students of the Institute. |
IGIMS / 2019 / 233 / Accounts
dt. 20.11.2019
Notice: Submission of KYP (Know Your Payee) Form.

BME / 923 dt. 05.11.2019
Office Order: Setting up of "Project Management Unit" and nomination of Nodal Officer to look after the work. |
1530 / Acad. / 2019
dt. 28.10.2019 |
Office Order: Criteria for making payment to Sr. Resident / DM / M. Ch. / MD / MS / DNB Students.
4642 / Adm.
dt. 25.09.2019 |
Office Order: Facility of LTC and Re-imbursement of Telephone Bill & Newspaper Bills. |
660 / Exams.
dt. 19.09.2019 |
Office Order: Fee for issuing Combined Marksheet of various courses. |
4467 / Adm.
dt. 18.09.2019 |
Office Order: Enhancement of financial power of Director. |
4466 / Adm.
dt. 18.09.2019 |
Office Order: Procurement of various equipments / instruments through GeM (Government e-Marketplace). |
3432 / Ad. A1 - 08/Faculty Appointment (CTVS) / 2017
dt. 23.07.2019
Office Order: Down-gradation of higher level sanctione dposts, i.e. Additional Professor & Associate Professor, into the post of Assistant Professor. |
850 / Acad. / 2019
dt. 29.06.2019
Office Order: Upgrade and change the name of the department of Reproductive Biology to Reproductive Medicine department.
851 / Acad. / 2019
dt. 29.06.2019
Office Order: Upgradation of Diploma in Neuro-Technology (DNT) Course to B. Sc. - Neuro-Technology. |
2517 / Adm.
dt. 28.05.2019 |
Office Order: Absorption of Shri Anil Kumar Choudhary on the post of Finance & Chief Accounts Officer at IGIMS - Patna.
2516 / Adm.
dt. 28.05.2019 |
Office Order: Leav adjustment of Prof. (Dr.) R. R. Prasad, Head - State Cancer Institute, IGIMS - Patna. |
661 / Acad. / 2019
dt. 28.05.2019 |
Office Order: Implementation of REVISED ASSESSMENT PROMOTION SCHEME scheme for the faculty of I.G.I.M.S. - Patna.
2495 / Adm.
dt. 28.05.2019 |
Office Order: Promotion to the post of Head Clerk.
2496 / Adm.
dt. 28.05.2019 |
Office Order: Promotion to the post of Head Clerk.
2497 / Adm.
dt. 28.05.2019 |
Office Order: Promotion to the post of Junior Store Officer.
2498 / Adm.
dt. 28.05.2019
Office Order: Promotion to the post of Assistant Accounts Officer.
2499 / Adm.
dt. 28.05.2019
Office Order: Promotion to the post of Superintending Engineer (Bio-Medical)

148 / DC / Acad..
dt. 14.05.2019
Office Order: Rational Use of Medicine Committee

IGIMS / 2019 / Acad. / 514
dt. 02.05.2019
Office Order: Starting of Bachelor of Physiotherapy Course.

IGIMS / 2019 / 1988 / Adm.
dt. 29.04.2019
Office Order: Change of existing nomenclature of Assistant, Upper Division Cleark and Lower Division Cleark. |

IGIMS / 2019 / Acad. / 430
dt. 11.04.2019
Office Order: Modification in Office Order No.: 1225 / Acad. dt. 15.10.2018 regarding enhancement of tution and hostel fee.

126 / DC / Adm.
dt. 02.04.2019
Office Order: Duties and responsibilities of Financial Advisor, Finance & Chief Accounts Officer and Accounts Officer of Accounts Section. |

IGIMS / 2019 / 359 / Acad.
dt. 29.03.2019
Office Order: Learning Resource Allowance for Group - A officers of the IGIMS - Patna.

IGIMS / 2019 / 358 / Acad.
dt. 29.03.2019
Office Order: Learning Resource Allowance for faculty members of the IGIMS - Patna.

IGIMS / 2019 / 274 / Acad.
dt. 07.03.2019
Office Order: "Prof. N. R. Biswas Orattion" and "Dr. P. K. Sinha Oration" |

IGIMS / 2019 / 115 / Acad.
dt. 25.01.2019
Office Order: Participation in Regional / National Conference / Workshop Conference by the faculty embers / Assistant Professor (Nursing College) / Physiotherapist / Medical Physicist & Sr. Technologiest. |

IGIMS / 2018 / 1483 / Acad.
dt. 12.12.2018
Winter Vacation Schedule - 2018 for Faculty members.

IGIMS/2018/ 4112 / Adm.
dt. 27.09.2018
Office Order: Promotion of faculty members under APS Scheme (List of promoted faculty members) |
IGIMS/2018/ 322 / Adm.
dt. 02.08.2018
Office Order: Change of nomenclature in Nursing Cadre. |

IGIMS/2018/ 06 / Accts. / Adm.
dt. 15.03.2018
Important Notice: In the light of demands of Students and their parents / guardians, arangement for different types of fee collections have also been made in institute by way of NEFT Transction / E - Challan w.e.f. 01.04.2018. |
IGIMS/2018/ 155 / Exams
dt. 09.03.2018
Office Order: Constitution of of Malpractice Committee to look into the incidence of malpractices during examination & decide the quantum of punishment for different types of malpractices during examination. |

689 / Adm.. A1-08/Faculty Appointment (CTVS)/2017
dt. 16.02.2018
Down-gradation of higher level posts, i.e. Additional Professor and Associate Professor sanctioned posts, in to Assistant Professor. |

IGIMS/2018/08 / Gen. Med.
dt. 08.01.2018
Unit Wise Call Roster (Emergency / IPD) in depaertment of General Medicine |

5918 / Adm. dt. 28.12.2017
Demolition of existing structure presently occupied by M/s N. P. Meical Hall, M/s Vijay Chandra Canteen & M/s Sangam Mediserve Pvt. Ltd. and temporary allotment of them in exisitng Rain Basera near Medical College and Gas Manifold Room of IGIMS - Patna.

5771 / Adm. dt. 18.12.2017
To prepare merit list among interested existing UDC for promotion to the post of Head Clerk on Merit-cum-Seniority basis through departmental examination.

274 / Acad. dt. 16.03.2016
Students admitted in Para Medical Courses who leaves the course in mid-session after closure of admission will have to submit the tuition fees of the whole course together with penalty of Rs. 10, 000/-.

275 / Acad. Dt. 21.03.2016
Provision of grace marks as approved in Academic Committee (14/109), Executive Council (29 / 214) circulated vide memo no.: 663/Acad. dt. 08.02.2015 and memo no.: 1956 / Acad. dt. 23.12.2015 is hereby amended.

277 / Acad. dt. 21.03.2016
Proposed Fees for various courses (DM / MCh/MD/MS/DNB)

279 / Acad. dt. 21.03.2016 |
Proposed Fees for Summer / Job Training / Internship & Observer ship Training
280 dt. 21.03.2016 |
Admission Eligibility criteria for B. Sc. Nursing
3688 / 14.08.2012 |
Preservation of Answer Scripts of Examination conducted by IGIMS